IS215ACLEH1AB | EX2100 励磁控制器 | DS215TCQAG1BZZ01A
系列 EX2100 励磁控制器
组和功能修订 H1B型
潜在添加组件 舞会
硬件特性 LED、CPU 和 PCI 控制器
软件特点 基本输入/输出系统
缓存级别 级别 2,128 KB
重量 1磅 4盎司
运输尺寸 18x12x12英寸
原产国 美国 (USA)
IS215ACLEH1B 型号是 EX2100e 系列的一部分,作为应用控制层模块,通常是基于微处理器的控制器。该板的主要用途是通过通信网络(如 ISBus 和以太网)执行多种不同的职责。安装电路板后,它将占据 EX2100 激励板机架或创新系列驱动器中的两个半插槽。ACLE板也将位于控制柜内。有许多不同的软件功能,包括但不限于以下内容:
I/O 点和内部布尔强制
IS215ACLEH1B板使用以太网连接,该连接使用由板上的 BIOS 功能初始化的 IRQ 5。ACLE 板上的以太网连接是位于 ACL 板前面板上的 10baseT 或 RJ45 插孔。作为基于微处理器的控制,该板具有外设组件互连 (PCI) 控制器,用于管理不同的输入和输出、与 PCI 总线之间的配置传输以及管理各种存储器功能。
IS215ACLEH1B型号还具有一个 128 KB 的 L2 缓存,该缓存与 PCI 控制器一起使用并由 PCI 控制器控制,该缓存设置为 152 NC 缓存
Model: IS215ACLEH1AB
Series EX2100 excitation controller
Group and function revision H1B type
Potential added components for PROM
Hardware Features LED, CPU and PCI controller
Software features Basic input/output system
Cache Level Level 2,128 KB
Weighs 1 pound, 4 ounces
Shipping size 18x12x12 inches
Country of origin United States (USA)
Product description
The IS215ACLEH1B model is part of the EX2100e family as an application control layer module, usually a microprocessor-based controller. The main purpose of the board is to perform a variety of different duties over communication networks such as ISBus and Ethernet. When the board is installed, it will occupy two and a half slots in the EX2100 driver frame or Innovation series drivers. ACLE board will also be located in the control cabinet. There are many different software features, including but not limited to the following:
I/O points and internal Boolean coercion
Application control of innovative series inverter
Non-volatile flash memory
Online application configuration loading
Control block
The IS215ACLEH1B board uses an Ethernet connection that uses the IRQ 5 initialized by the BIOS function on the board. The Ethernet connection on the ACLE board is a 10baseT or RJ45 jack located on the front panel of the ACL board. As a microprocessor-based control, the board has a Peripheral component Interconnect (PCI) controller for managing different inputs and outputs, configuration transfers to and from the PCI bus, and managing various memory functions.
The IS215ACLEH1B model also has a 128 KB L2 cache that is used with and controlled by the PCI controller, which is set to 152 NC cache